Welcome to KAMI ICC Group Horse Power's Weblog!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

KAMI Latest Update

After "missing in action" last week, Horse Power continue the mission by visit and identify which drive motor to be dismantle in Dipping Line # 5. Dipping Line # 5 was chosen as having the highest power rating compared to other lines. Members had identify at least 3 drive motors can be removed out from the line.
Photo shown Pn Azida, Mr. Ruel and En. Diauddin are identifying the drive motors and parts needed to make this project success.

While waiting the tea and kuih, Pn Azida and En. Diauddin are discussing what to do next in the office

Tea jug and kuih arrived at 3.45pm and jug almost empty at 3.47pm.

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