Welcome to KAMI ICC Group Horse Power's Weblog!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Projects Defination

  1. All members agree to take cost reduction as group theme.
  2. Further discussion had been made and all agree to take the utilities bills as our main objective to reduce the cost.
  3. They are gas, electricity and water bills.
  4. The data based on the COP Reports given by Finance Departments for 2007.
  5. Data as follows. In year 2007, company had suffered the cost of
  • Gas ~ RM 2,245,861 for Wall and RM 2,291,287 for Floor
  • Electricity ~ RM 1,651,971 for Wall and RM 1,710,205 for Floor
  • Water ~ RM 120,079 (Wall) and RM 118,681 (Floor)
After analyze it was found that the electricity was the higher compared to others in RM/sqm.

Group members had difficulties to go further with the project as per below reasons
  • Difficulties to go more detail on which machines has the highest rate of power using.
  • No individual meter reading for each machine.
  • Project may cause the higher cost which the R.O.I may take longer time.
We refer to our facilitator, En. Zulfatah and we were advised take other projects with other themes either cost reduction, downtime or frequency of downtime occurred.
After short discussion, members are choose the downtime as our new theme and will go to the no. of breakdowns reports received per month.

Meeting adjourned to next round.

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